.mp is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Northern Mariana Islands.
There are a few sites related to the Northern Mariana Islands in this domain (such as governmental sites under .gov.mp and a few sites in .org.mp and .co.mp). The get.mp site allows users to register and manage .mp domains. The .mp name comes from ISO 3166 which specifies MP as the two letter designation for the Northern Mariana Islands.
This text was written in the article .mp on Wikipedia and is available under the GNU Free Documentation License. A List of the authors is available on Wikipedia.
This TLD is registered through a manual registration process that might involve documents, depending on respective registry regulations, and is therefore not automated for real-time registrations and real-time updates. Updates might cause additional costs. Please contact our support if you want to register a .mp domain.
A transfer is actually not supported by us. Please contact our support if you want to transfer a domain.
An Ownerchange is not supported. The Owner of a domain name cannot be changed.
A Restore is not supported by the registry.
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52064 Aachen
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E-Mail:info @ http.net